Monday, April 25, 2011

Hollywood has Died of Creative Failure

By Bryan Cain-Jackson

Though it is uncertain at which time the illness grew, but it's true.  Hollywood has died at the age of 105.  Hollywood, formerly Hollywoodland, had grew to unspeakable heights leaving behind a great legacy of many great films in its younger days.  It grew powerful, and when power is gained in excess, things tend to spin out of control.  It is now, only a shell of its former self.

Just kidding.  Or am I? 

In the summer and fall of 1998 we saw remakes of two of the best films ever made in history. Both of the original films were directed by the master of suspense himself, Alfred Hitchcock. The original films are “Dial M for Murder” and “Psycho.” The remake for the first was “A Perfect Murder,” and the latter bearing the same title.

“A Perfect Murder” worked out well, but was nothing to write home about. The remake to “Psycho” was then and is still today considered to be one of the worst remakes ever made in the history of film.

When I say it started in 1998, what I am referring to is the repetition that we are seeing in the mainstream television and film industries. If it’s not a remake that’s being shown to us, it’s just the same tired and repetitive formulas.

Endless romantic comedies, overly raunchy comedies, mean-spirited comedies, 80’s monster movie rejects, endless horror movie sequels, it just goes on and on. When the hell is Michael Myers going to retire? The alien that was chasing after Sigourney Weaver through dark corridors across rickety steal platforms finally gave up because she kept winning. Why don’t Michael and his writers get the same clue? At the alien gave up and started going after the predator.

Although I’m a Star Trek fan, the same could be said for the crew of the Starship Enterprise. I don’t think there is any place left for them to boldly go that we haven’t already boldly seen and gone to.

How about these ongoing Big Mama movies? Are these just an attempt to try and be creative? No. It is more of an attempt to appeal to a more juvenile audience and get cheap laughs and thrills, shocking moments of disgust, and bad acting. Martin, you can do much better than this. In fact, you have before.

The television industry has done nothing but flood the airwaves with viewing that has no intellectual aspects to it whatsoever. None of it requires any thought; it consists of “chick fights,” bad singing, and a whole hell of a lot of people who are just getting on television just to be able to say they were on it. Contrary to what people may think, these shows are not spontaneous by any right. Every TV network has to have control over its programming, so if these things were spontaneous then they would not know what to expect from one episode to the next.

Chuck Barris was known as the innovator of schlock television back in the late 60’s and all the way through the 70’s decades. His brainchildren were “The Newlywed Game,” “The Dating Game,” and “The Gong Show” to name a few. Those were here among his most popular. He was cited as the reason for “degradation of mid-western civilization.” The stuff he did pales in comparison to what’s on the air now.

We cannot expect our IQs to be high or our children to be literate when we are not even interested in watching better quality programming. Let’s not grow even lazier minded than we already have. If we stop watching it, they will have to stop airing it right? I think that makes sense.

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