By Bryan Cain-Jackson
Okay, here is the list of symptoms for both men and women:
- Happy relationship
- Things are going great; you fit their view of perfection to the tee…
- Living life on cloud nine
- You’ve met the folks, it’s serious now
- You’ve had your first intimate moment and things are still consistently good
- Suspicions are raised
- Questions are asked
- Phone calls and texts go unanswered
Then my friends… Comes the diagnosis
“I think we should see other people."
It may not be said in quite these words, but folks, this unfortunately is what’s being said in so many words.
I know that you will eventually go through your head and try to figure this thing out. What went wrong? When? How? Where? What did I say? OH MY GOODNESS!!!! WHATEVER IT IS I’M SORRY!!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME EVEN THOUGH I KNOW NOT WHAT I AM APOLOGIZING FOR!
Well, this is for the good men and women who have all become known only as…
“The one who got away.”
It’s because you were so good to them, they thought you were just too good to be true. You know what I’m talking about, I know you do.
Why does this happen?
To get the answer to this question there are many possible answers and of course they’ll be different from one person to the next. My theory is it will depend very strongly on what type of person they might attract or used of dating. Here’s a small example.
Scenario: Great, romantic guy and beautiful, strong woman. This guy fits her type to the tee according to what she tells her friends. Her friends congratulate her on finding this man who is also someone they consider to be very good looking.
The two finally have their first night of intimacy; she tells her friend that she has gotten exactly what she wanted from the experience. He calls the next day. This is not something she is used to, so she becomes alarmed. He already got what he wanted, what else could he possibly want? Now, she doesn’t know what to expect from him and this can be a very scary thing to anyone. She expected him not to call back because that is what she is used to.
After a time there is a good possibility that this woman may try to or actually go back to dating the type of guy that she is used to dating if she’s not used to dating a guy who knows how to treat her.
This would probably have been a man that didn’t treat her with the respect that she deserves or mistreated in different ways.
Men and women do this kind of thing all the time. I can’t count how many lady friends I have that keep making the same mistakes multiple times!!! It’s ridiculous! Why?
I believe it’s because we are all scared of the unknown and what we don’t understand. What makes matters worse is that the entertainment world has conditioned us to believe that someone good for us might not exist.
Many women are exposed to this in the form of the media’s over glorification of “the bad boy.” The reality is that women should start raising their standards. Your standards are a direct reflection of how you view yourself. If you settle for a lousy man, you can’t possibly think that highly of yourself. It’s a reality, face it. You should know what type of woman you are, know yourself, and respect yourself. If you do, you shouldn’t find yourself settling for less than what you deserve.
Men glorify women who are more of a certain type, more shapely and docile. Guys! Listen up! You do not need a woman who is submissive to you; this does not say that you are any more or less of a man. We are men and that is reflective in the way that we treat our women, how hard we work, and whether or not we are supporting our children. Yes, we should still be supporting our children if we are not with their mothers.
There are precious few people out there who will step up and embrace the fear of what comes with being treated well for the first time. Stop allowing yourself to be treated as though you are less than special.
Everyone is truly special in their own way. Many men and many women constantly get mistreated all the time because they treat their significant other with the love and respect that they are deserving of. That person may not think they are deserving of it because they never got it. That is not up to you to fix, they must find this out for themselves. Everyone deserves to be loved.
The next time you find someone who treats you differently in the best kind of way, don’t ridicule it, and don’t run from it. Embrace it. You’ll never know if you’ll ever have the opportunity to be treated that way again, and you could live to regret how you treated that person. Have faith, not everyone has a motive, sometimes they just want to give you something that you never had before, something that you deserve… Love. This last part might sound a bit sugary for some people’s taste, but hey… To me, it makes sense.
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